November 7, 2018 - Meeting Minutes
Aaron Pressman, School Committee Chair and Eliot Representative
-This is Aaron's 6th year on the school committee
-Three top priorities for the school committee are
Karen Bourn, Eliot Principal
Last week Karen submitted her budget for the 2019 school year. She has asked for an increase in the Guidance department. Karen views our guidance staff as "social-emotional coaches". She is so proud that Eliot is the most diverse elementary school in Needham (both culturally and economically), and because of that audience is essential. In 2017 we had 1.4 people (one full time and one person working 3 days a week). This year it was reduced to 1.2. She is requesting 1.8 next year. She has also requested a 4th teacher for 2nd grade next year. Currently the 1st graders (who will be 2nd graders next year) have over 23 kids per class. Developmentally at this age a smaller class size is very important. She also asked for a stipend to include one of the specialist teachers on her Teacher Leadership Team
Karen has submitted a $5000 Grant request to the NEF. She has requested 33 listening devices for the "Walking Classroom" (think iPods). The devices would be pre-loaded with common-core aligned podcasts for the 5th grade curriculum. Studies have shown that children absorb more learning when their heart rates are slightly elevated. The idea is that the kids would all put on one of the devices, and hit play at the same time. While they listen to the 20-minute podcast they would be walking around outside. This helps everyone who needs movement breaks as well as gives kids another chance to get outside during the day. When the podcast is finished the students return to the classroom and take part in a discussion about what they just heard.
Eliot school has 1.8 Literacy coaches and 1 math coach. These coaches work with the teachers to review the students' assessments, see patterns of where help is needed and then advise teachers on best ways to help the students. Karen meets with the coaches every week for 1 hours. This new model of coaching helps to ensure equity of access to learning for all students.
**Citizens for Needham Schools**
Citizens for Needham Schools ( connects families, schools and communities to help foster exchanges of information and ideas about Needham Schools to provide the best possible education for children. There is a representative on the board from each of the schools in Needham EXCEPT ELIOT. If you are interested in representing Eliot schools, please reach out to CNS at the website above.
Jenn Scheck-Kahn & Nathalie Blitz, Eliot SEPAC Liasons
-SEPAC is focused on making after school activities (including PTC events) more inclusive for all students including special education students. They are encouraging anyone that is planning an event to contact them and they will work with you to provide the accommodations. This year as a result of the partnership the FairyTale Fitness event included a table outside of the loud gymnasium where any kid could come and take a break from all the stimulation and color some fairytale sheets. Many kids took advantage of this table and as result more children were able to participate in the event.
-This Friday, November 9th Mona Maas will be holding a coffee chat at Eliot to discuss special education at Eliot specifically our language-based classroom for 4th and 5th graders.
-SEPAC's next business meeting will be on November 13th directly before the school committee meeting. To learn more about this meeting and review the notes from the previous meeting, please click here.
Jo-Anne Bagley, Eliot teacher
-Thank you to the PTC for funding the teacher grants for flexible seating
-Thank you to the parents for volunteering to take part in the Understanding Different Abilities workshops this month
-Thank you to the PTC for funding the scholastic magazine subscriptions for Jo-Anne's 40 students.
Cheri Pugatch & Andrea Cunningham, Eliot PTC co-Presidents
-Unfortunately the Eliot-Hillside basketball game will not take place this year due to renovations at the high school. This is a big fundraiser for the PTC. We are looking for a fundraising idea to replace this. Please let us know if you have any thoughts
-We have about 33% participation in the annual fund so far. If you haven't had a chance to donate yet, we welcome any and all contributions.
-This is Aaron's 6th year on the school committee
-Three top priorities for the school committee are
- Full Day Kindergarten
- There will be no town override so school committee is really focused on budge
- Portrait of a Needham Graduate
- REAL (Race, Equity, Access, Leadership) Coalition
- Karen Bourn elaborated that Cultural Proficiency and Equity workshop will be help on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving for ALL teachers in Needham.
Karen Bourn, Eliot Principal
Last week Karen submitted her budget for the 2019 school year. She has asked for an increase in the Guidance department. Karen views our guidance staff as "social-emotional coaches". She is so proud that Eliot is the most diverse elementary school in Needham (both culturally and economically), and because of that audience is essential. In 2017 we had 1.4 people (one full time and one person working 3 days a week). This year it was reduced to 1.2. She is requesting 1.8 next year. She has also requested a 4th teacher for 2nd grade next year. Currently the 1st graders (who will be 2nd graders next year) have over 23 kids per class. Developmentally at this age a smaller class size is very important. She also asked for a stipend to include one of the specialist teachers on her Teacher Leadership Team
Karen has submitted a $5000 Grant request to the NEF. She has requested 33 listening devices for the "Walking Classroom" (think iPods). The devices would be pre-loaded with common-core aligned podcasts for the 5th grade curriculum. Studies have shown that children absorb more learning when their heart rates are slightly elevated. The idea is that the kids would all put on one of the devices, and hit play at the same time. While they listen to the 20-minute podcast they would be walking around outside. This helps everyone who needs movement breaks as well as gives kids another chance to get outside during the day. When the podcast is finished the students return to the classroom and take part in a discussion about what they just heard.
Eliot school has 1.8 Literacy coaches and 1 math coach. These coaches work with the teachers to review the students' assessments, see patterns of where help is needed and then advise teachers on best ways to help the students. Karen meets with the coaches every week for 1 hours. This new model of coaching helps to ensure equity of access to learning for all students.
**Citizens for Needham Schools**
Citizens for Needham Schools ( connects families, schools and communities to help foster exchanges of information and ideas about Needham Schools to provide the best possible education for children. There is a representative on the board from each of the schools in Needham EXCEPT ELIOT. If you are interested in representing Eliot schools, please reach out to CNS at the website above.
Jenn Scheck-Kahn & Nathalie Blitz, Eliot SEPAC Liasons
-SEPAC is focused on making after school activities (including PTC events) more inclusive for all students including special education students. They are encouraging anyone that is planning an event to contact them and they will work with you to provide the accommodations. This year as a result of the partnership the FairyTale Fitness event included a table outside of the loud gymnasium where any kid could come and take a break from all the stimulation and color some fairytale sheets. Many kids took advantage of this table and as result more children were able to participate in the event.
-This Friday, November 9th Mona Maas will be holding a coffee chat at Eliot to discuss special education at Eliot specifically our language-based classroom for 4th and 5th graders.
-SEPAC's next business meeting will be on November 13th directly before the school committee meeting. To learn more about this meeting and review the notes from the previous meeting, please click here.
Jo-Anne Bagley, Eliot teacher
-Thank you to the PTC for funding the teacher grants for flexible seating
-Thank you to the parents for volunteering to take part in the Understanding Different Abilities workshops this month
-Thank you to the PTC for funding the scholastic magazine subscriptions for Jo-Anne's 40 students.
Cheri Pugatch & Andrea Cunningham, Eliot PTC co-Presidents
-Unfortunately the Eliot-Hillside basketball game will not take place this year due to renovations at the high school. This is a big fundraiser for the PTC. We are looking for a fundraising idea to replace this. Please let us know if you have any thoughts
-We have about 33% participation in the annual fund so far. If you haven't had a chance to donate yet, we welcome any and all contributions.