Eliot PTC Meeting
27 January 2021
Karen Bourn, Eliot Principal
-We are fortunate and thankful that we haven’t had any classes that have had to quarantine in
awhile, but I have noticed we are getting covid-fatigue…
-we have noticed a slight uptick in kids going to nurse saying that they weren’t feeling well
before school but parents still sent them in. Please remember to keep your kids home if they
are not feeling well.
-Also, remember someone needs to be available to pick up the students in 45 minutes. It’s not
fun to be sick in the nurses office.
-If you do travel over February vacation, we do require a negative covid test of either the
student or with the parent they traveled with before they can return. This includes any out of
state travel.
Also, we are currently looking for ways to increase synchronous instruction for K-5. We are in
planning phase right now and we don’t have anything concrete. There may be changes and if
so I would do an open forum which would allow for plenty of times for people to make changes
at home. It could come in the next 48 hours.
Craig Brenheiser, Eliot PE teacher
-Hoping to fight the covid fatigue.
-I have two young kids at home and I understand how difficult it can be to get in these 60
minutes due to space restrictions, work and students schedules.
-I have included lots of fitness and mindfulness options on my webpage
-all videos on my website are SAFE YouTube links and all 3-10 minutes.
Tips that I find have helped kids exercise…
-let kids make a choice
-make it a game
-include a goal
-remind them of the connection that physical activity helps us mentally.
Betsy Maxwell, Eliot Teacher Rep
-so much praise from the teachers to the PTC especially to Tonya McKee for all she has done
-Kindergarten says thank you for the grant allowing us to purchase scholastic news
-2 nd grade says thank you for the grant allowing us to purchase more books
Nathalie Blitz, Eliot SEPAC liason
-thank you PTC for funding for flexible seating for the classroom
Kathryn McIntosh, Eliot Parent
-The NEF usually has a spelling bee. Instead there will be a virtual trivia team. WE need team
of 10 by SATURDAY! It can be up to 4 people from a household. We need people in all
areas…pop culture, science, English etc. Please get in touch if you are interested. The NEF will
sponsor the Eliot team!
Jamie Menn & Amanda Fernandes, Eliot PTC co-Presidents
-last zoom fitness event of the series will be Feb 7 th at 9am
-Feb 2 nd Take out Tuesday at Hearth. Mention Eliot PTC when you order and we will get 10% of
the proceeds
-Valentine’s Day fundraiser. With any donation to the PTC you will receive a honor card that
you can give to the teacher letting them know that a donation to the PTC was made in their
-Next PTC meeting March 31 st at 7pm at Dr. G will be the guest speaker
-We are looking for life images of kids outside of school without masks for the yearbook! Please
submit them ASAP.
27 January 2021
Karen Bourn, Eliot Principal
-We are fortunate and thankful that we haven’t had any classes that have had to quarantine in
awhile, but I have noticed we are getting covid-fatigue…
-we have noticed a slight uptick in kids going to nurse saying that they weren’t feeling well
before school but parents still sent them in. Please remember to keep your kids home if they
are not feeling well.
-Also, remember someone needs to be available to pick up the students in 45 minutes. It’s not
fun to be sick in the nurses office.
-If you do travel over February vacation, we do require a negative covid test of either the
student or with the parent they traveled with before they can return. This includes any out of
state travel.
Also, we are currently looking for ways to increase synchronous instruction for K-5. We are in
planning phase right now and we don’t have anything concrete. There may be changes and if
so I would do an open forum which would allow for plenty of times for people to make changes
at home. It could come in the next 48 hours.
Craig Brenheiser, Eliot PE teacher
-Hoping to fight the covid fatigue.
-I have two young kids at home and I understand how difficult it can be to get in these 60
minutes due to space restrictions, work and students schedules.
-I have included lots of fitness and mindfulness options on my webpage
-all videos on my website are SAFE YouTube links and all 3-10 minutes.
Tips that I find have helped kids exercise…
-let kids make a choice
-make it a game
-include a goal
-remind them of the connection that physical activity helps us mentally.
Betsy Maxwell, Eliot Teacher Rep
-so much praise from the teachers to the PTC especially to Tonya McKee for all she has done
-Kindergarten says thank you for the grant allowing us to purchase scholastic news
-2 nd grade says thank you for the grant allowing us to purchase more books
Nathalie Blitz, Eliot SEPAC liason
-thank you PTC for funding for flexible seating for the classroom
Kathryn McIntosh, Eliot Parent
-The NEF usually has a spelling bee. Instead there will be a virtual trivia team. WE need team
of 10 by SATURDAY! It can be up to 4 people from a household. We need people in all
areas…pop culture, science, English etc. Please get in touch if you are interested. The NEF will
sponsor the Eliot team!
Jamie Menn & Amanda Fernandes, Eliot PTC co-Presidents
-last zoom fitness event of the series will be Feb 7 th at 9am
-Feb 2 nd Take out Tuesday at Hearth. Mention Eliot PTC when you order and we will get 10% of
the proceeds
-Valentine’s Day fundraiser. With any donation to the PTC you will receive a honor card that
you can give to the teacher letting them know that a donation to the PTC was made in their
-Next PTC meeting March 31 st at 7pm at Dr. G will be the guest speaker
-We are looking for life images of kids outside of school without masks for the yearbook! Please
submit them ASAP.