30 September 2020 - PTC Meeting Minutes
Karen Bourn, Principal
Kerry Bickford, School Nurse
Jen Sullivan & Nika Vullo, Guidance Counselors and Bonnie Swart, School Psychologist
Eliot Guidance Slides
There is also a virtual guidance office available with linked resources
Betsy Maxwell, Teacher and PTC Teacher Rep
SEPAC (Special Education Parent Advisory Council) Announcements
Amanda Fernandes & Jamie Menn, PTC Co-Presidents
- Welcome. It has been so wonderful to see all the kids in person. They have grown so much!!
Kerry Bickford, School Nurse
- Flu shots are required for all students INCLUDING RED COHORT
- DAILY symptom check on your child is required before sending them to school each day
- If your child is sick or someone in your household has been diagnosed with covid-19 you need to email ([email protected]) AND call school nurse 781-455-0452 x52111. INCLUDING RED COHORT
- Emergency cards are needed for all students INCLUDING RED COHORT
- 4 emergency contacts are needed as kids will need to be picked up within 45minutes of the sick call from the nurse.
- If you are new to the school or if you are in the 3rd or 4th grade, please send in your updated physical from for school from your child’s physician
Jen Sullivan & Nika Vullo, Guidance Counselors and Bonnie Swart, School Psychologist
Eliot Guidance Slides
There is also a virtual guidance office available with linked resources
- We recommend
- Have a routine
- Encourage outdoor time and physical activity
- Be Flexible
- Control the things we can control
- Build in choices whenever possible
- Monitor and limit exposure to news
- Look for the good news
- Practice Mindfulness
- Overall kids are happy to be in the building and physically be in the school
Betsy Maxwell, Teacher and PTC Teacher Rep
- Teachers are feeling so supported by the Parents
- Teachers are so thankful for the coffee bar from the PTC to start the school year
- Teachers are so grateful for the amazon gift cards from the PTC. Some teachers used them to purchase virtual books to use for Zoom meetings with the kids
- Thank you so much for the incredible response to the request for playground equipment. Within 24 hours everything had been filled.
- Kids have been so happy and so resilient and have been doing amazing wearing their masks
- A positive note on the small cohorts is that kids are forming incredible relationships.
SEPAC (Special Education Parent Advisory Council) Announcements
- Needham SEPAC has 21 leaders across the town.
- Friday 9:30am IN-PERSON Socially distant meet-up on the town green
- Wednesday Oct 7th at 7pm Virtual . Needham Special Education overview
- Tuesday, Oct 27th 9:30am Virtual Monthly Meeting
- October 21st 8pm Eliot only Virtual coffee meet up.
- If you would like more information and to be added to our mailing list please email: [email protected]
Amanda Fernandes & Jamie Menn, PTC Co-Presidents
- Please get in your coloring page raffle tickets in by Friday!
- We are looking for more volunteers for this year…especially room parents.
- You will receive an email for us shortly about our directory. If you do not want to be included you will need to OPT OUT.
- Please join our Eliot PTC Facebook page
- Be on the lookout for the annual fund drive request envelope
- November 18th at 7PM is the next virtual PTC meeting
- We are very interested in all creative ideas you may have for this year. Please feel free to reach out with any and all!